Before anyone worries too much that I've just broken my self-imposed bead embargo with my usual panache after blogging about it yesterday - the next series of beads are all pre-embargo beads, I'm just catching up with my blogging from April!
Front view of all 3 OOAKs: Green Glitter Swirl, Red/Pink Fern & Scroll, Blue & Teal Glitter Budded Python |
My first OOAK arrived as part of a preloved bundle, it's a translucent swirl design - bright green translucent base, milky white with pale green and a hint of pink along the swirls and with
really full plump gold glitter buds. I've quite a few swirl and spinner beads now, some translucent like this one and a couple of opaque ones that you can see on my Valentine's Day Bracelet either side of my RAF Benevolent Fund Bead in the centre. They come in a variety of designs so there's something to suit most folk if you like this style of bead.
Side view of Green Glitter Swirl |
The next bead was a raffle style knockout that I liked the look of and was lucky enough to have my name picked. I'd been going through a red/pink phase so a bead that spanned both colours has definite appeal, I particularly like the 2 different patterns on each side of the bead, it has a fern pattern on the left hand side and a scroll pattern along the right hand side curve. The core is red and is covered by a clear glass with the pattern sitting along the "top" of the bead.
Left hand side showing fern details |
Right hand side showing scroll details |
My final and third OOAK is my favourite of this bunch, I have a fondness for budded pythons and this one is a particularly fine example from a most generous and lovely seller from the US. It has the most vibrant blue translucent base, with teal scales and lightly glittered gold buds. This one took a long time to reach me as it got held up for a particularly long time in customs but it was most definitely worth the wait when they finally released it... maybe someone should have explained that not all pythons need a transport licence.
Side view of glitter budded python - my mobile phone camera has not done justice to these colours! |
I have yet to use any of these in a bracelet as I am rather full on made up bracelets, it's getting towards the time for a big make and break marathon as I've no spare bracelets currently and I'm starting to get that twitch I get when I haven't made anything new for a while...
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